The Orinda Juniors board voted to add our organization’s support to the Kiwanis Club statement that is running in the February 3rd edition of Lamorinda Weekly. It will also be posted to NextDoor, Lamorinda Patch, and the Moraga Citizens Network.
The Orinda Rotary Club once again hosted the Orinda Trivia Bee on March 22, 2019. The Orinda Juniors fielded a crack team to participate in this fun Orinda tradition. Thank you to Patty Holman, Amy Stuffmann, Katie Joy Walsh, Flora Wilson, Leslie Volk, and Jen Matthews for coming out to represent the Juniors!
Pardon the missing events. We’ve had to rebuild our site and need some time to get all of our past events updated and posted. Come back and see what we’ve been up to soon!